germination instructions Adiantum tetraphyllum - Four-leaved Maidenhair Fern:
Please use for sowing of fern spores Jiffy 7 Peat Pellets, soak them in water and put in a plastic pot.
Sow the fern spores on the peat pellets.
Then put the plastic pot in a ziplock bag - with a pot size of 6 cm , a ziplock bag of size 12 x 17 cm is recommended .
Fill in the ziplock bag as much tap water with a few drops of universal fertilizer, so that after the absorption of the substrate a few mm of water remain on the bottom. Then close the ziplock bag - Ready!
More watering is not required because no moisture evaporates through the ziplock bag .
Location: on the windowsill or in a small greenhouse in partial shade, daytime temperatures at about 77 F, somewhat lower at night at 68-72 F. The resulting micro-climate provides ideal conditions for germination.
Soon you will see a fine green layer on the surface.
From the prothallia the small fern plants will develop with high humidity.